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Avalon Police Department Announces Second NJSCOP Re-Accreditation Assessment Scheduled

Avalon Police Department announces second NJSCOP re-accreditation assessment

A team of assessors from the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP) will arrive on April 19 & 20th, 2019, to examine all aspects of the Avalon Police Department’s policies and procedures, management, operations, and support services Chief Jeffrey Christopher announced today.

“Verification by the team that the Avalon Police Department meets the Commission’s “best practice” standards is part of a voluntary process to achieve accreditation recognition of law enforcement professional excellence”, Chief Christopher said.

As part of this final on-site assessment, employees and members of the general public are invited to provide comments to the assessment team. They may do so by telephone. The public may call 609-967- 5904 on April 20, 2019, between the hours of 9:00am – 10:00am.

Telephone comments are limited to 5 minutes and must address the agency’s ability to comply with the NJSACOP standards. A copy of the standards is available for inspection at the Avalon Police Department, 3000 Dune Drive, Avalon, NJ 08202. Please contact Administrative Sergeant Eric Heisman at 609-967-3411.

Anyone wishing to offer written comments about the Avalon Police Department’s ability to comply with the standards for accreditation is requested to email the Accreditation Program manager at hdelgado@njsacop.org or write the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police, Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission at 751 Route73 North, Suite 12 Marlton, N.J. 08053.

The Avalon Police Department must comply with 110 standards in order to achieve accredited status. Chief Christopher indicated, “Accreditation results in greater accountability within the agency, reduced risk and liability exposure, stronger defense against civil lawsuits, increased community advocacy, and more confidence in the agency’s ability to operate efficiently and respond to community needs.”

The Accreditation Program Manager for the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police is Mr. Harry J Delgado, Ed.S. “The assessment team is composed of law enforcement practitioners from similar New Jersey law enforcement agencies. The assessors will review written materials, interview agency members, and visit offices and other places where compliance with the standards can be observed. Once the Commission’s assessors complete their review of the agency, they will report to the full Commission, which will then decide if the agency is to be granted accredited status”, Harry J Delgado stated.

Accreditation is valid for a three-year period during which time the agency must submit annual reports attesting to their continued compliance with those standards under which it was initially accredited.

The New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police through its New Jersey Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission is the legitimate authority and accreditation agency in the state of New Jersey. For more information regarding the Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission please write the Commission at New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police, Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission at 751 Route 73 North, Suite 12 Marlton, N.J. 08053 or email hdelgado@njsacop.org

Avalon Police Department Announces Second NJSCOP Re-Accreditation Assessment Scheduled2019-04-11T14:52:38-04:00

Avalon Swears in New Patrolman

The Borough of Avalon welcomed new Patrolman Lukas Hill who was sworn in to his position by Mayor Martin Pagliughi during the Wednesday, February 13th meeting of Avalon Borough Council.  Hill fills a position that was vacated by a recent retirement in the Department.

“Avalon residents consider the Avalon Police Department to be one of the best police departments in the State of New Jersey, and we welcome Lukas to our ranks”, Pagliughi said.  “Lukas has many achievements in his young career and will be a tremendous asset to our public safety initiatives in the Borough”.

Hill is a 2013 graduate of Cherokee High School, then attended West Chester University where he achieved a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice in 2017.  In 2018, Hill attended the Camden County Police Academy at his own expense through the alternate route program.

Hill currently resides in Sea Isle City, NJ.


Avalon Swears in New Patrolman2019-10-10T09:17:22-04:00

Avalon Officers Graduate from Cape May County Police Academy

Avalon Police Department is proud to announce that Ptlm. James Savini and Ptlm. Christopher Nazha


The Avalon Police Department is proud to announce that Ptlm. James Savini and Ptlm. Christopher Nazha have graduated the Cape May Police Academy on January 14, 2019 as part of the 45th BCPO.

Ptlm. Savini was elected as class president for the 45th BCPO and took the Fire Arms Award for being the best shot in the recruit class.

Ptlm. Nazha finished second for the Physical Training award out of 55 recruits.

The Avalon Police Department is honored to have these two begin their careers!

Avalon Officers Graduate from Cape May County Police Academy2019-10-10T09:18:09-04:00

Officers Graduate from the 45th BCPO Cape May County Police Academy

Ptlm. James Savini and Ptlm. Christopher Nazha graduated from the Cape May County Police Academy, 45th BCPO on January 14, 2019.

Ptlm. Savini was elected class president and was awarded the academy fire arms award.

Ptlm. Nazha finished second in a field of fifty-five recruits in the Physical Training award.

Officers Graduate from the 45th BCPO Cape May County Police Academy2019-01-15T15:55:37-05:00

Stephen Bowers sworn in as newest Avalon PD Sergeant

Stephen Bowers was sworn in as a new Sergeant with the Avalon Police Department during the Wednesday, December 12th, 2018 meeting of Avalon Borough Council.  Bowers was hired as a Special Class I police officer in March, 2007.  After working for two seasons, he was promoted to Special Class II police officer in February, 2009.  Sgt. Bowers was hired as a full time patrolman in April, 2011.  He currently resides in Swainton, NJ and is a graduate of Middle Township High School.

Stephen Bowers sworn in as newest Avalon PD Sergeant2018-12-18T09:39:50-05:00

Avalon Police Seeking Relief Dispatchers

The Avalon Police Department is seeking dispatchers to help supplement our existing dispatch corp. The position is an on call position paying $14.00/hour. Shifts are generally 12 hours. During the summer months(May through September) two dispatchers are on 24/7 with 3 dispatchers working weekends and holidays.

If interested please fill in application found under the “Career” tab on  opens in a new windowwww.avalonpolice.org and mail to :
Capt. John Roscoe
Avalon Police Department
3000 Dune Drive
Avalon, NJ 08202

If there are any questions you can call Sgt. Heisman for details 609-967-7741

Avalon Police Seeking Relief Dispatchers2018-12-11T12:11:29-05:00

Avalon Police Installs Project Medicine Drop Box at Police Department

The Avalon Police Department installs New “Project Medicine Drop” Box to help residents dispose of unused medications and prevent prescription drug abuse.

Project Medicine Drop is an important component of the New Jersey Attorney General’s effort to stop the diversion and abuse of prescription drugs, including highly addictive opiate painkillers. Through this initiative, the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs installs secure “prescription drug drop boxes” at State Police barracks, sheriff’s offices, and police departments throughout the state, including two military installations and several college campuses, allowing citizens to safely dispose of their unused, excess, or expired prescription medications.

Members of the public are invited to visit the Project Medicine Drop sites and drop off any unused prescription medications anonymously and with no questions asked.  Most Project Medicine Drop sites make this service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The Medicine Drop Box is located at 3000 Dune Drive in the Police Department lobby.

By giving residents of Avalon a safe and secure method to dispose of unneeded medications, Project Medicine Drop helps prevent the abuse of these drugs.  This initiative also protects New Jersey’s environment by keeping these drugs out of landfills and out of the water supply.  More locations, can be found at www.NJConsumerAffairs.gov/meddrop.

Avalon Police Installs Project Medicine Drop Box at Police Department2019-10-10T09:27:37-04:00

Full Time Police Officer Hiring Process Announced



Date: November 8, 2018

To:  Full-Time Police Officer Applicants

From:  Jeff Christopher, Chief of Police

Subject: Selection process for employment of Full-time police officer.


Must possess one of the following:

  1. New Jersey PTC certification for full-time police officer.
    1. New Jersey PTC certification for SLEO 2.
    2. Actively attending a PTC academy for full-time or SLEO 2.
    3. An Associate degree or sixty (60) credits from an accredited college with a major in Criminal justice / Law enforcement.
  1. Applicants must be 18 to 35 years of age.
  1. High School graduate (or equivalent)
  1. U.S. Citizen
  1. New Jersey Resident
  1. Able to perform all of the duties and responsibilities of a Police Officer.


Phase 1. 

The Avalon Police Department will advertise a job listing according to Standard Operating procedure.  Applications are available online at www.avalonpolice.org, and should be mailed or delivered in person to the above address.  Applications will be accepted from eligible candidates until the deadline of 12:01 A.M, November 30, 2018.   Any application received from ineligible applicants or after the deadline will, without notice, be excluded from the hiring process.  Eligible applicants will be notified how to proceed.

Phase 2.

  1. Candidates will be subjected to a physical fitness test. A score of 70% (final average) must be achieved in order to proceed to the next phase.  The top scoring 15 applicants will proceed to the next phase.  More applicants may proceed to the next phase at the Chief’s discretion.

Phase 3.

  1. Candidates will take an oral interview, then an oral examination, immediately following conducted by the Chief and Captain of Police.
  1. Candidates will be required to write an essay on a topic given at the time of the interview. A half hour will be given to write the essay.  It will then be reviewed by the Chief and Captain and a score attained worth a maximum 10 points to be added to the final average.

Scoring:  Each phase of the process will have the following weight:

Physical fitness test: 30%
Oral Interview  30%
Oral examination  30%
Essay  10%

  1. A comprehensive and thorough review of the applicant’s background information will be conducted for any disqualifying factors.
  1. After scoring the aforementioned areas, a list will be generated and a candidate may be selected.

Phase 4.  (If applicable)

  1. At the Chief’s discretion, a follow up interview may be conducted for the most desirable applicants prior to making a final decision.
  1. If a desirable candidate is not identified, more applicants may be interviewed from phase 2.
  1. The Avalon Police Department reserves the right to require updated medical, psychological, and background clearances if the Chief of Police deems it appropriate for the good of the Department and the Borough of Avalon.
  1. This list may remain active for two (2) years or less at the discretion of the Chief of Police.


Jeff Christopher
Chief of Police

Full Time Police Officer Hiring Process Announced2019-10-10T10:56:46-04:00

Avalon to Participate in 2018 Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign




CONTACT: Chief Jeffrey Christopher, 609-967-3411


This Labor Day, and Every Day: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

Each year, Americans mark the end of summer with the Labor Day holiday weekend, a time to celebrate the hard work and many accomplishments of our country. Friends and families eagerly await pool parties, backyard barbecues, and other occasions to enjoy the last days of summer sunshine. Sadly, the Labor Day holiday is one of the deadliest, with drunk drivers endangering themselves and others on their way home from these holiday festivities. This year, the Avalon Police Department is partnering with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to get drunk drivers off the roads and help save lives. The high-visibility national enforcement campaign, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, runs from August 17 through September 3, 2018.

Sadly, the statistics prove that we have a lot of work to do to put an end to drunk driving. According to NHTSA, 10,497 people were killed in drunk-driving crashes in 2016. On average, 10,000 people were killed each year from 2012 to 2016—one person killed every 50 minutes in 2016.  This is why The Avalon Police Department is working with NHTSA to remind drivers that drunk driving is not only illegal, it is a matter of life and death. As you head out to Labor Day festivities, remember: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.

“We need our community to understand: It’s up to them to make the smart decision to drive sober—Labor Day, and every day.  Drunk driving is simply not acceptable” said Chief Jeffrey Christopher. This isn’t about a ticketing campaign. This is a campaign to get the message out that drunk driving is illegal and it takes lives.

The Avalon Police Department and NHTSA are reminding citizens of the many resources available to get them home safely. “It is essential to plan a sober ride home before you ever leave for the party. Remember that it is never okay to drink and drive. Even if you’ve had only one alcoholic beverage, designate a sober driver or plan to use public transportation or a ride sharing service to get home safely.

The Avalon Police Department recommends these safe alternatives to drinking and driving:

  • Download NHTSA’s SaferRide mobile app, available on Google Play for Android devices:, and Apple’s iTunes Store for iOS devices. SaferRide allows users to call a taxi or a predetermined friend, and identifies the user’s location so he or she can be picked up.
  • Use the Jitneys, Taxi-cabs or Uber/Lyft type services
  • If you see a drunk driver on the road, contact the Avalon Police Department immediately.
  • Have a friend who is about to drink and drive? Take the keys away and make arrangements to get your friend home safely.

For more information about the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign, visit Traffic Safety Marketing.

Avalon to Participate in 2018 Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign2019-10-10T09:22:18-04:00

Avalon Officers Receive Donation of Sunblock

On Wednesday July 18, 2018 Margie Flannery dropped off 14 sunblocks (one for each car and extra for the station) to the Avalon Police Department. A few weeks ago her brother (a police officer in Harrison) came home with bad sunburn after working a traffic detail. Her sister, a melanoma survivor came up with the idea to supply police departments with sunblock in the hopes it would spread awareness and encourage departments to advise their men and women to wear sunblock at all times. Living by the shore, she had to get involved. She contacted Chief Christopher of Avalon PD and he was more than happy to be my first recipient.

Thank you to my sponsors for your generous donations to this department and several others I am in the process of covering. Court House Fitness, Uncle Bills Stone Harbor, and Mary Kay.

Pictured here are Chief Christopher, Captain Roscoe, and Sergeant Paluch. Protect yourself guys…while protecting others!

Approximately 4 years ago, Sgt. Paluch’s wife Shelley passed away after a battle with melanoma. This is a topic that the Avalon Police Department feels strongly about. We also participated in the Run From the Sun 5k race, as part of Team Shelley, to help spread awareness.

Thank you Margie for getting the word out!

Avalon Officers Receive Donation of Sunblock2019-10-10T09:23:04-04:00
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