The Avalon Police Department Records Division is open Monday – Friday 0830 – 1530 except Legal Holidays. They can be contacted by phone at 609-967-3411 or e-mailed at
Head Records Clerk: Dawn Brady
Assistant Records Clerk: Deborah Foley
The Records Division is charged with maintaining all of the records generated by the officers of this department. The records clerks are responsible for the maintaining of security of all documentation, providing any reports, video and or audio recordings as well as officer’s certifications to civilians, insurance companies, law enforcement agencies prosecution and defense attorneys.
Please allow 7 to 10 working days for your report to be completed and reviewed.
Discovery request must be on your firm’s letterhead and can be mailed or e-mailed.
To request a copy of a report that involves you fill out the request for police records form and e-mail or mail it a long with a copy of your identification. You may also come into the police department during our hours of operation with your filled out form.
Any requests under the Open Public Records Act are also filed through this office. If you are interested in obtaining records maintained by our department under OPRA, please complete the form and either e-mail, mail, or drop it off during our hours of operation. You may pick up the requested documents at Police Headquarters should you so desire after you receive notification that your request has been completed or they will be mailed after payment is made.
Some reports will be too large to e-mail or fax and must be mailed. Discovery request will be mailed with a bill all other request must be paid for before they are mailed.
Should you need additional assistance in completing the forms, please contact one of our records clerks who will be more than happy to assist you.
opens in a new windowAvalon Police Request for Police Records Form Use this form if you are or were involved in the incident and would like the report
opens in a new windowOPRA Request Form – Use this form if you were not involved in the incident, but would like a copy of the report.
If you are e-mailing either type of report request form, send to