The Administrative Sergeant was established in 2008 to allow the Avalon Police Department to become efficient in the implementation and oversite of the numerous programs and requirements of the State of New Jersey for police agencies. In 2008 the Avalon Police Department was accredited through the Commission of Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). This process required constant work hours and supervision to accomplish, as does the subsequent reaccreditation process through the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP).
The Administrative Sergeant supervises and is responsible for departmental administration and logistics, to include communications procedures, equipment and efficiency.
Some of the duties and responsibilities are, but not limited to: Supervision of the Records Division, Supervise and manage the Avalon Public Safety Communications Center, Oversee the department’s efforts at maintaining accreditation by the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police, and to supervise traffic sign placement and street/curb painting, as well as Handicapped Parking within Borough.
Sgt. Eric Heisman graduated Burlington County Community College with an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice. He began his law enforcement career with the Gibbsboro Police Department in 2005. In 2007, he joined the Avalon Police Department and worked as a Patrolman for four years. In 2011 he was selected as Detective where he served for two years. In 2013 he was promoted to Sergeant of Patrol. In 2018 he assumed the duties of Administrative Sergeant.
In 2023, Sgt. Heisman graduated from the New Jersey State Chief’s of Police, Command and Leadership academy.
Administrative Sergeant Eric Heisman