*Please Read all Instructions Before Applying*

Step 1:

Visit the website:         opens in a new

Enter the ORI # for Avalon Police Department:   NJ0050100

Service Code # – 2F164B

Step 2:

Complete the online application. You may complete the application using a smartphone, mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer. When completing the application you will need the email addresses of 2 reputable references. Your references can be family members.

Step 3:

You MUST appear at the Avalon Police Department to PAY for your INITIAL FID card ($50.00) and/or Pistol Purchase Permits ($25.00 each). Fees must be paid by cash, check or money order. Payments should be submitted with your FARS confirmation number. Your application WILL NOT be processed until you have paid for the FID Card/Pistol Permits. All fees are non-refundable and need to be collected PRIOR to completing background and issuing FID Cards/Permits as per NJAC 13:54-1.4.

*All firearms related documents are now electronic. Upon final approval of your application you will receive an email indicating that either your FID card is available for download or your Handgun Purchase Permit(s) is available for use, or both. There will be no paper documents to pick up at the police station. 

*The on-line application is applicant driven. Please ensure that you have entered the best phone numbers for yourself and references as well as the best email addresses for yourself and references.

*It is highly encouraged that you include a SSN where indicated. Failure to do so could significantly delay processing of the application. For any questions regarding a Firearms Identification Card and/or Permit to Purchase a handgun, please contact Dsg. Armstrong/Det. Hill (609-967-3411) at

**Attention Concealed Carry Permit Applicants**

All applications are now initiated through the New Jersey State Police website at opens in a new windowConcealed Carry Permits (

1. Initiate the application through the above concealed carry permit link.

2. A one-time fee of $150.00 in the form of cash, check, or money order will have to be paid to the Borough of Avalon before your application will be processed.

3. You may be contacted if any questions arise during the application investigation, so please ensure your contact information is accurate.

Please see the Memorandum from the State of New Jersey Office of the Attorney General regarding Civilian Carry Asseessment and Range Evaluation (CCARE) Protocol:  opens in a new windowCivilian_Carry_Asseessment_and_Range_Evaluation_CCARE_Protoco.pdf

For any questions regarding Concealed Carry Permits please contact Dsg. Armstrong / Det. Hill (609-967-3411) or

For further questions please visit opens in a new windowFirearms Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) | New Jersey State Police (